Sunday, April 27, 2014

Wild and Wet in Grand Teton National Park

It was a wild and wet Saturday in Grand Teton National Park. I got up early (4:30am) and headed out shortly thereafter. I hit a snow storm going over the Jackson pass and thought of all of you living in the "soft" parts of the States. It was 90 degrees the same day in Austin, Texas where Jeff and Lindsay live. Living in Eastern Idaho does make hardy people and it must affect our thought process also. I often hear from my college ward students during the winter and spring semesters...... Why do people want to live here where it is so cold? All I can think of is that I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. ??????

The Tetons where completely shrouded by fog, rain clouds, and overcast skies the entire day.

This is a shot at 7:30in the morning. Kind of a surreal look.

 ps - Make sure you click on photos to enlarge.

I did manage to get a grizzly bear shot this time. After driving to the areas where 399 (a famous female Grizzly that has raised several sets of triplets in GTNP) was reported to have been spotted a couple of days earlier, I got notification that a grizzly was seen close to Moran Junction. I headed that way and got there just in time to get shots of its rear end as it disappeared into the trees.

I was able to watch it with binoculars for a bit and then I lost sight. I put my camera equipment down on the front seat and drove towards the spot I  calculated he would come out. About 100 yards down the road a huge bull Moose busted through the trees and crossed the road in front of me. OK, first you have to know that I didn't get a shot of him because I had my telephoto lens on and he was on the passenger side of the car after crossing. About 5 seconds after the moose crossed, out shot a grizzly bear and crossed right in front of me and strait after the moose. I didn't have time to switch lenses to a non telephoto lens because they were moving fast (another reason to convince my wife I need another camera).

 All i got was another rear end shot with snow flying.

 He stopped after he realized the effort was futile and gave me a candid look.

  He then moved off to the left in a cat-like saunter.

The moose quickly moved through the snow and lost the bear in short time.

I found him hiding in the willows a short time later.

The bear then moved to a snow free area and stayed close to the road and gave allot of shot opportunities for about 15-20 of us.

 Here are a few of my favorites.

 Got a song sparrow when i stopped to look at a cool rock. I enjoy photographing birds because they are challenging and they are so different and beautiful up close. He is not singing in the rain.

 When asked why I like to take pictures of birds I usually say...... Because I've never seen a flock of Bears fly by. 

Speaking of a flock of birds here is a shot taken in February.....

 Snow geese that gather about 20 miles west of Rexburg around Camas National Wildlife Refuge.

We only had around 10,000 geese come in this year. Last year we had around 80,000. They pass through in late February and early March. It is a sight and sound you have to experience at least once in your life.

Well, I got rained on and snowed on today but I find it often produces some of the most dramatic photographs I take. I never hesitate to go out when the weather is bad. Here is a picture of a Bald Eagle in a snow storm.

Taken in Yellowstone

I headed home and hit a white out snow storm on the Jackson pass and arrived home to the rain I left at 4:30 that morning. What a wet, wild, and wonderful day.

See you next time.


At April 30, 2014 at 8:17 PM , Blogger Lindsay said...

Hey!! You mentioned us in the blog post, love you!
You are a true outdoorsman with a amazing talent! So proud of you!


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